TradeSmarter Education Review – A Smarter Way to Trade?

Full Review of TradeSmarter Binary Options Education

Education, education…what can the brokers do for us in that area? It seems like most of the brokers put an education section on their websites just because they have to and not because they want to pass some knowledge to the green trader that enters the business. Most stuff is just too general and a newbie learns more about dreaming than he does about actually trading. Let me explain that: by talking about quick profits, profiting from the financial market, 85% return on investment, easy to profit, etc., the broker turns the newbie’s attention on the good stuff and forgets to explain how exactly that can be achieved. With this kind of “education”, a newbie is like a deer in the lights of a speeding car once he enters the market and invests real money. I really hope that TradeSmater doesn’t fall into that category and we are about to find out.



TradeSmarter Education – First Impressions: No major flukes

The website itself looks like it is focused towards providing the best user experience and what really interests me at this point is how easy I can find the education section and how well it is structured. I didn’t have to look long for it and I was …almost pleasantly surprised to see it was reasonably well structured. I say “almost” because some sections are duplicates and contain the same information.



TradeSmarter Education – Basic level: Strictly the basics

On the right side of their Home page you can access a short video that explains almost all about how to open a Binary Options trade and how to use their platform. Nice, simple and to the point. They continue on the same note with the Frequently Asked Questions which are helpful without being focused too much on profits and how easy those profits can be achieved. The Glossary lacks depth and only explains the most common terms but it’s not such a big deal because after all, Binary Options are easy to trade and you don’t need to be a financial expert; a few terms are enough for a basic level.



TradeSmarter Education: Medium level: Three e-books is all you need

The broken links start to emerge…unfortunately. I get errors like “Not found, error 404” or server connection problems when I click on various sections, which is disappointing to say the least because two entire sections are missing: “Binary Options Wiki” and “Options Trading Resources”. Both sections can be found in the lower right corner of the Home page and if someone can get them to work, please let me know because I was really curious about their ”Wiki” section. Ok, they just dodged a bullet because I was about to start ranting about their lack of professionalism and how unacceptable it is to miss two entire sections when I realized they offer not one but three free e-books. I must say, the three e-books definitely make up for the missing sections. Although they are not a long read if you look at them separately, I consider them to be one e-book split into three sections: the first contains the basics of Binary Options, explained in a nicely flowing manner; the second teaches the trader everything there is to know about their unique platform and how to trade using it and the third e-book contains some trading strategies. A lot of brokers offer so called strategies to their customers, but TradeSmarter offers real strategies; they actually teach the trader how to combine two indicators to get a sense of direction and how to read the signals generated by this combination. With the knowledge provided a newbie can go in the market and have a system to follow, clear indications about when to trade, how to choose the direction of the trade and when not to trade. Definitely TradeSmarter stands out from the crowd and outclasses many brokers when it comes to the educational material.



TradeSmarter Extra Education

Free webinars are offered by TradeSmarter to their clients…or at least that’s what they write on the website because there is no schedule telling me when the webinars will actually happen. All I could find is a notice to check back regularly to see a calendar of upcoming webinars. Maybe I have to be a client to even see the schedule or maybe it’s an upcoming project and they haven’t decided on the dates. If webinars are available in the near future, I consider it a great extra feature but if it’s just a publicity stunt to get more clients…then it’s “Thumbs down” for TradeSmarter.



The Smarter Conclusion

TradeSmarter comes with good and bad: some content is duplicated on the website and some sections are missing but on the other hand, the material that is available has great educational value, it gradually increases the level of training provided and does a good job at transforming a newbie into a disciplined and possibly profitable trader. Overall their pros definitely outweigh the cons and I consider them much better than the average broker but they also have some work to do until they can be considered top 5 material.


Important Update! TradeSmarter is no longer a Broker. TS now provides Trading Platform services for Brokers and White Labels. For the Complete TradeSmarter Platform Review – Here.