We do Reviews
This is thatsucks.com, and we do reviews. We focus on financial instruments like BO, CFD, FX, Robots, Signal Providers, Crypto Currencies and others. Here we’ll explain about our review process, and our vision when it comes to helping people stay safe of scams and chose the best broker for them.
We always welcome your feedback! We’re all about reviews, and preventing potential scam is a joint effort! Please know that you are doing us a favour whenever you tell us about a new product or about a potential scam. Drop us an email or simply make a short post on our Forums. You’ll helps us and many other fellow traders.
How Do We Pick a Product/Service to Review
Basically, if it’s high-risk, high-return - we’ll review it. If it makes enough “noise” on the Internet, we’ll review it. We follow trends, and review only the “hottest” products in the markets. Ofcourse, some of the services and products we review are old timers, therefore we’ll keep updating their respective reviews.
We want to review a product as soon as it starts to gain some traction. Usually, new products develop trends, similar to market trends: when there’s enough demand, price goes up. In this case, when there’s enough demand, we will review it. We want to focus on what’s hot, not on something that no one has heard about.
How We Review – The 3-Step to a Great Review
Our Own Assessment: First and foremost, we get familiar with the service or product, spend a lot of time using their websites and talking to their staff. Where possible, we test the product hands-on. We spend a lot of time and put in a lot of hard work trying to give you an honest and unbiased reviewthat reflects our opinion about the product.
Client Oriented: We dig deep to find out what clients have to say about the product we review. And I’m talking about real clients, who have used the service or product. We contact clients, check out comments, forums and ask them about their experience. Also, we do our best to separate “angry nonsense” from genuine complaints.
Service/Product Overall Impression: We combine our own assessment with what the clients have to say – whether it’s a safe and great product or a real scam – and we put it in a review. Why? Because if it’s a scam, we need to warn. And if not – we dig deeper inside the service and come up with a detailed report of this service.
Who is Writing the Reviews?
Our team is a mix of highly trained experts, with years of experience each in his field. Some reviews require a joint effort, so more than one person will work on it but usually the review is done by the guy with the most experience in that field or by a member of our team who has previously used the product or service in question.
As I’ve mentioned before, an important part of our review process is the client, because they are the ones who really used the product for an extended period. In a way, we can say that You, our readers are helping us write the review by sharing your experiences, so please, give us your feedback and help us give you a detailed review in return.